The Daisy Award!!!

How WONDERFUL!!! I have been nominated for the new Daisy Award! 

Cate, who writes “Infinite Sadness… or What?”  was kind enough to nominate me, and I am THRILLED & THANKFUL!!! You are so good to me! If you suffer from chronic mental illness, anorexia nervosa, or Fibromyalgia, I highly recommend her blog.

The Daisy Award was created by another Kate, who authors “subtlekate: Macabre but sweet!”.

She states, “I would like to start a new award. It’s called the Daisy Award. Daisy’s are very sweet flowers, but they are stealth with hardiness. They’ll come up anywhere and beat the frost. This award is for the brave.”

The rules for accepting this Award are:

* Thank the person who nominated you. DONE!

* Tell your readers 7 unusual things about yourself. DONE!

   1.) If you call, “Kalita Komboto!”, I will turn my head as it is a nickname from my childhood. =)

   2.) I can read around 400 pages in a day.

   3.) I spent four months at the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, MD for a drug trial for a new treatment for depression.

   4.) I have been married to my husband for almost 7 years but been together for a total of 16!

   5.) I am 3rd generation Swiss on my Mom’s side.

   6.) “Are you serious?” is my unofficial catch-phrase, and how I say it, with “serious” ending 3 octaves above where “are” started, is something to hear! No…really!

   7.) I can make up words to any song whose lyrics elude me. My husband LOVES it! LOL

* Nominate some worthy bloggers. A work in progress!  I am so bad about bouncing around blogs and not remembering to actually return to them. I know, I know.

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